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How to Draw Image in Html Canvas

Let's learn how to draw an image with HTML canvas. We'll see how to upload image and draw it or browse it on our machine's library

Besides, drawing text in canvas, we also can add an image, whether from url link or browse any image on our library.

Regardless from which method you choose, always prepare the blank canvas

var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx    = canvas.getContext("2d")

ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

Draw image from file browser

Input file button for drawing image via browse library

<input type="file" id="file" onchange="uploadImg(event)">

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="200">
Fallback text if  browser doesn't support the canvas el.

Onload event, we will read the uploaded image after finished buffer. Set a global var for imagesource “imgSrc” to enable usage from any functions

var imgSrc = ''

function addImg(event) {
    var reader = new FileReader();

    reader.onload = function(event){
        imgSrc =


function drawImg() {
    var img = new Image();
    img.onload = function(){
        ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 200, 200);
    img.src = imgSrc;

the main function is ctx.drawImage with parameters: -image source -x(horizontal) start drawing position -y(vertical) start drawing position -width of Image -height of image

In some cases, you prefer just paste a link and let canvas draws it for you

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="200">
<input type="url" placeholder="image url" id="imgLink">
<button type="button" onclick="addImage()"> Add Pic </button>

This time is much simpler, because we just have to grab the value of the pasted url

function addImage() {
    var img = new Image()
    var size = 100

    img.onload = function(){
        ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, size, size)

    PhotoImgSrc = document.getElementById('imgLink').value
    img.src = PhotoImgSrc
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html javascript canvas