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How to Get All Hugo Tags

How to get all hugo tags or taxonomy or category you use for your static website

If you need all the tags you currently use for your website built with Hugo, you can grab it from .Site.Taxonomis.tags. You can get the Permalink directly and the name itself.

    {{ range $name, $taxonomy := .Site.Taxonomies.tags }}
        {{ with $.Site.GetPage (printf "/tags/%s" $name) }}
            <li><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ $name }}</a></li>
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

Limit display at homepage only

Maybe you want to make this as your menu navigation that sticks in Homepage’s header. Same code, just put an if-else clause to tell use, are we in homepage or not

{{ if .IsHome }}
<nav class="tags">
    {{ range $name, $taxonomy := .Site.Taxonomies.tags }}
        {{ with $.Site.GetPage (printf "/tags/%s" $name) }}
            <li><a class="tags-{{ $name }}"  href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ $name }}</a></li>
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}
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