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How to create your own SEO tool

Introduction post on how to create our own search engine optimization (SEO) tools like ahrefs, semrush, Ubersuggest) and so on!

Some time ago, I discovered the “SEO world”. Without realizing it, I delved in so deeply that I ended up paying for several SEO tools. These tools catered to various needs including:

“What if I could create these tools myself?” - every developer

By doing that, I can learn more about SEO. By trying to understand how these tools work behind the scene .  Even though it will be far from what other commercial product already did, at least I can solve my own problem.

In this series, I’m going to explain how I build certain feature (there are many features on SEO tools). It won’t contain any code (or very little), I’m just sharing ideas how I implement it.

If you’re interested in “search engine optimization topic” and you’re a developer, welcome to this series!

What we’ve covered so far

How to create an SEO cont... →
SEO sharing