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Working with object in localstorage

We all love localstorage, no database needed to store simple things for our user. But what if the data is more than a string or number? How to store and read object in localstorage?

We all love localstorage, no database needed to store simple things for our user.
But what if the data is more than a string or number?
Let’s see how to store and read object in localstorage?

How to store object in localstorage

We need to turn json into a string with JSON.stringify

localstorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(val));

How to read/retrieve object from localstorage

We need to parse into json with JSON.parse


Bonus: Helper for read and write objects in localstorage

function getObjectLS(key) {
    return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key))

function setObjectLS(key, val) {
    localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(val));