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🧑‍🚀 Blog for learning supabase

supabase blog posts, coding tips and trick in a bitesize to help you learn supabase.

Introduce Row Level Security in Supabase

Supabase has a row level security that useful for protecting our data. Even though we're using anon key publicly or in client side, it's still safe as long as we enable the row level security for that particular table


Basic of Authentication in Supabase using email invitation

Supabase provides an authentications system for us out of the box. We can use it as user management. It has third party logins (social login) and row level security for security. We'll take a look of example using simple email invitation


Play with Supabase database in website with Javascript

Learn how to create and read Supabase database via it's API with Javascript on a website. We will use in browser javascript to load the data and display it on our HTML page.


Explore table editor in Supabase database

Exploring table editor for managing database in Supabase. It's like an app that has Graphical User Interface (GUI) where we can do something intuitively without knowing any SQL. Supabase's database is built on top of Postgres, an extremely scalable relational Database. We can use the SQL editor or Table Mode which makes it like spreadsheet


Setting up new @Supabase Project

Let's see how to start a new project on supabase. And we'll see overview of what we can do on our supabase dahsboard


Introducing Supabase, your everything for backend

Introducing Supabase, the open source firebase alternative. We can create a backend for our project really fast. Start your project with a Postgres Database, Authentication, instant APIs, realtime subscriptions and Storage with a beautiful dashboard.
