OneBite.Dev - Coding blog in a bite size

🧑‍🚀 Blog for learning nodejs

nodejs blog posts, coding tips and trick in a bitesize to help you learn nodejs.

Solve sharp installation_error darwin-x64 install yarn error

This is how I Solve sharp installation_error darwin-x64 install yarn error on mac os x


Import function from another file in NodeJS without module

If you need to add an external function from other file into a nodejs file without changing the type into module type you can use this commonJS method

javascript nodejs

How to solve Cannot use import statement outside a module error

This is How to solve Cannot use import statement outside a module error when running a nodejs application


Create Open Graph Image generator, introducing

We need an image for each of our blog post to make it stand out on social media. But generating for each one for our post is not fun. That's why you'll love Imagin. It's a post about how I make Imagin, dynamic open graph image generator

nodejs vue hackathon

Solution for preflight CORS issue in serverless function

This is how you can solve preflight CORS issue in vercel serverless function when building API in nodejs

serverless nodejs vercel

Handling API request based on method in Vercel Nodejs

Learn how to handle API request based on method, example GET, POST, PUT or DELETE request in Vercel Nodejs serverless function

serverless nodejs vercel

Nodejs serverless function in vercel

Learn how to deploy and write nodejs serverless function in vercel platform for free

serverless nodejs vercel