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🧑‍🚀 interview question javascript Serie

Serie on interview question javascript at, coding tips and trick in a bitesize.

Verify only 1 edit action required to string in Javascript

The problem is to check if two strings are one (or zero) edits away. A javascript sample solution for this common interview problem.


Check if a string is palindrome permutation in Javascript

. In a palindrome, characters have to appear in pairs for the string to be mirrored around the center, except possibly for one character. Here is the javascript solution


Check if two strings is anagram on javascript

Here is how to solve the interview question for Check if two strings is anagram on javascript


Determine if all string has unique characters in Javascript

Determine if a string has all unique characters, you can use a Set in JavaScript. See case sensitive and insensitive version.


Chunking array buy n number in javascript

The array chunking problem is another common interview question. The goal is to divide an array into smaller sub-arrays (chunks), where each chunk is of size n


fizz buzz program sample in javascript

The FizzBuzz problem is a classic coding interview question. Here is sample program and how to solve it


How to find the maximum character in a string in javascript


How to check if string is Palindrome in Javascript

Checking if a string is a palindrome (same when reversed) in javascript. Also handling white space chars.


Check array only contains unique value javascript

How to verify array is only contains unique value in Javascript. Answer is using Set!
