Solving the Next.js Head problem that auto parse HTML entity
I want to share how I finally solved the Next.js Head problem that auto parse HTML entity. In my case, I want to remove & (ampersand sign) being encoded by Next.js Head.
I want to share how I finally solved the Next.js Head problem that auto parse HTML entity. In my case, I want to remove & (ampersand sign) being encoded by Next.js Head.
My case
I want to hit ogimpact (social image API) which using amp; (ampersand) sign on the query URL.
How I solved it
With helped from Nextjs issue discussion on GIthub, which answered by @lukeshumard.
- Preparing the API to redirect the request create /pages/api/foldername/[…url].js
//here is an explicit example how I redirect to ogimpact image URL
export default function handler(req, res) {
const { url } = req.query;
const ogish_format = `${url.toString().replace(/\s/g, '%20')}&imageUrl=`
const redirectUrl = decodeURIComponent(ogish_format);
- Call this API on tag
<meta property="og:image" content={`${encodeURIComponent(post.title)}`} />