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Use A Basic Loop In Swift

Code snippet for how to Use A Basic Loop In Swift with sample and detail explanation

Swift, a powerful language developed by Apple to build both iOS and OS X apps, possesses various loop constructs. One of the most basic and frequently used among them is for loop. This article will explain how to use a basic loop in Swift with a simple code snippet while also detailing its functionality.

Code snippet for Basic Loop

The following piece of code demonstrates how to execute a for loop in Swift.

for i in 1...5 {
    print("Hello, Swift!")

Code Explanation for Basic Loop

In the given snippet, the for loop is established by using the for-in statement, which is one of the basic looping constructs in Swift. The code translates as a directive for the program to execute a block of statements a specified number of times.

The for-in loop iterates over a sequence, which in this case is defined by the range 1...5. A range in Swift is a representation of a series of values, and in this context, it means the numbers from 1 through 5.

As the loop progresses, with each iteration, the value of i is updated to the next integer from the sequence (1,2,3,4,5). However, since i is not used inside the loop, its main purpose here is to make the loop iterate five times.

The loop executes the statement print("Hello, Swift!") each time it runs through the sequence. As a result, the string “Hello, Swift!” gets printed five times in the output, each statement on a new line.

This is a simplistic use of the for-in loop in Swift. However, this construct is a great tool when it comes to performing a task for a set number of times or iterating through arrays, dictionaries, and other collections in Swift. By practicing and experimenting with loops, you can achieve more complex and specific tasks in programming using Swift.
