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Swap A String In Swift

Code snippet for how to Swap A String In Swift with sample and detail explanation

In Swift programming, working with strings can often involve swapping one value for another. This article is going to explain how to easily achieve this task in Swift.

Code snippet for Swapping a String

Here is a quick snippet of how to swap a string in Swift:

var string1 = "Hello, World"
var string2 = "Swift Programming"

swap(&string1, &string2)

print(string1)  // Prints: "Swift Programming"
print(string2)  // Prints: "Hello, World"

Code Explanation for Swapping a String

Step 1: Initialization of Strings

Our code starts by initializing two strings, string1 and string2, where string1 is initially assigned the value “Hello, World” and string2 is assigned the value “Swift Programming”.

var string1 = "Hello, World"
var string2 = "Swift Programming"

Step 2: Swapping the Strings

We then use the swap function provided by Swift. This function takes two arguments which should be the variables we want to swap. A major point to note is that this function requires the arguments passed to be mutable which is why we declared string1 and string2 as variable (using var) and not constants (using let).

swap(&string1, &string2)

Step 3: Printing the Results

After swapping the strings, we can confirm the operation by printing them. If the swap is successful, string1 should now hold the value of “Swift Programming” and string2 should hold the value of “Hello, World”.

print(string1)  // Prints: "Swift Programming"
print(string2)  // Prints: "Hello, World"

And that’s how you swap string values in Swift. It’s a straightforward task, but it’s good practice to understand how these core functionalities work in the language.
