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Search For A Character In A String In Swift

Code snippet for how to Search For A Character In A String In Swift with sample and detail explanation

In programming, there are circumstances where we need to search for a specific character in a string. In Swift, a dynamically-typed and easy-to-read language, we can do this with relative ease. This article aims to provide a step-by-step guide on how to search for a specific character in a string using Swift.

Code snippet: Searching for a Character in a String

In Swift, we can search for a character in a string using the .contains method, see the code snippet below:

let string = "Hello, world!"
let character: Character = "w"

if string.contains(character) {
printf("\(character) was found in the string.")
} else {
printf("\(character) was not found in the string.")


  • string is the string you want to search.
  • character is the character you’re looking for.

Code Explanation: Searching for a Character in a String

The Swift language offers us a convenient and efficient way to search for a specific character in a string: the .contains method.

  1. First, we define the string in which we want to find a particular character. In the provided example, this is represented by let string = "Hello, world!".

  2. We secondly define the character we’d like to find. Under this example, it is denoted with let character: Character = "w".

  3. Then we use Swift’s .contains method. This function examines the string to check if it includes the character we are looking for, returning a boolean (true/false) value. It could be compared to the “find” command in a word processor, which scans a document for a particular word or character.

  4. Then we use an if statement to print a message stating whether the character was found. If .contains(character) equals true, the console prints ”character was found in the string.”. If not, it prints ”character was not found in the string.”.

This provides a concise means of searching for specific characters within a larger string, allowing developers to further analyze, manipulate or verify data within their Swift applications.
