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Merge Two Arrays In Swift

Code snippet for how to Merge Two Arrays In Swift with sample and detail explanation

In the world of iOS app development, arrays are a popular data structure where you store ordered lists of items of the same type. Merging two arrays can be useful in different scenarios such as integrating data. Swift, Apple’s general-purpose programming language, offers a straightforward syntax to merge two arrays.

Code snippet to merge two arrays in Swift

Here is a simple code snippet illustrating how to merge two arrays in Swift:

let arrayOne = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"]
let arrayTwo = ["Mango", "Date", "Peach"]

let mergedArray = arrayOne + arrayTwo

If you run this code, it will output: [“Apple”, “Banana”, “Cherry”, “Mango”, “Date”, “Peach”]

Code Explanation for merging two arrays in Swift

The code above is quite self-explanatory but let’s break it down step by step for better understanding.

  1. The first two lines of code are defining our two different arrays: ‘arrayOne’ and ‘arrayTwo’. ‘arrayOne’ contains three String elements “Apple”, “Banana”, and “Cherry”, while ‘arrayTwo’ contains “Mango”, “Date”, and “Peach”.
let arrayOne = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"]
let arrayTwo = ["Mango", "Date", "Peach"]
  1. The next line of code merges the two arrays using the ’+’ operator. This operation doesn’t change the contents of the original arrays but returns a new array composed of all the elements of ‘arrayOne’ followed by all the elements of ‘arrayTwo’. The result is stored in a new constant ‘mergedArray’.
let mergedArray = arrayOne + arrayTwo
  1. In the last line, we use the ‘print()’ function to output the ‘mergedArray’ to the console.

So, simply by using the ’+’ operator, you can efficiently merge two arrays in Swift. It is a simple, yet powerful, built-in feature of Swift that significantly facilitates data handling and manipulation.
