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Find The Minimum And Maximum Element In An Array In Swift

Code snippet for how to Find The Minimum And Maximum Element In An Array In Swift with sample and detail explanation

When dealing with arrays in Swift - a fundamental part of many coding challenges and situations, you often need to find the minimum or maximum elements. This can be achieved using Swift’s built-in functions.

Code Snippet: Finding Minimum and Maximum Elements in Swift

Here is a simple way to find the minimum and maximum elements in an array in Swift:

let numbers = [45, 83, 12, 67, 34, 89]

if let minimumElement = numbers.min(), let maximumElement = numbers.max() {
    print("The minimum number is \(minimumElement)")
    print("The maximum number is \(maximumElement)")

Code Explanation: Finding Minimum and Maximum Elements in Swift

Now, let’s break this simple code down, step by step.

Firstly, we define an array of numbers:

let numbers = [45, 83, 12, 67, 34, 89]

Then, we use Swift’s built-in min() and max() functions to find the minimum and maximum elements respectively. These functions traverse the array and give us the smallest and largest elements. The result is optional because there might be a situation where the array is empty, in which case there will be no minimum or maximum:

if let minimumElement = numbers.min(), let maximumElement = numbers.max() {

Finally, we print the minimum and maximum elements using string interpolation:

    print("The minimum number is \(minimumElement)")
    print("The maximum number is \(maximumElement)")

After running this code snippet, the output will be:

The minimum number is 12
The maximum number is 89

This demonstrates that Swift is able to accurately find and print the smallest and largest numbers from the array we provided. The min() and max() functions make it quite straightforward to find the minimum and maximum elements in an array in Swift.
