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Declare An Integer In Swift

Code snippet for how to Declare An Integer In Swift with sample and detail explanation

Swift programming language is widely used for mobile app development. Swapping to learn how to declare an integer variable in Swift is crucial, as integers are a fundamental component of programming. Let’s dive right into it.

Code snippet for Declaring an Integer

In Swift, you typically declare an integer like this:

var age: Int = 25 

Code Explanation for Declaring an Integer

In the example above, we begin by declaring a variable using the var keyword, followed by the name we want for our variable, which in this case is age. Note that the naming of variables in Swift is case sensitive, so age, Age, and AGE would all be different variables.

After naming our variable, we use the colon symbol : which is used in Swift to denote the type of a variable. In our case, the type is Int which stands for integer.

After the type, we use the equals sign = to assign a value to our variable. The value assigned to the age variable in our example is 25. So after processing this line of code, age now stores the value 25.

It’s important to mention that Swift is a strongly typed language. That means once you’ve declared the type of a variable, you can’t change it to another type later. So once age is declared as an integer, it should always hold integer values.

Therefore, let’s say we have another integer variable var height: Int = 170; we can make operations such as var total: Int = age + height, where total would be equal to 195, but we can’t assign a string value or any other type to age or height.

This is the basic way to declare an integer in Swift. As you progress with Swift, you’ll see that there can be modifications to the declaration, but fundamentally this process remains the same.
