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Declare A Global Variable In Swift

Code snippet for how to Declare A Global Variable In Swift with sample and detail explanation

In Swift, a globally declared variable can be accessed from anywhere in the app, providing a high level of flexibility and accessibility. Therefore, understanding how to declare and use them is a crucial part of software development.

Declare A Global Variable In Swift

In Swift, to declare a global variable, you should define it outside any function, loop, or conditional block. Here’s a simple code snippet that illustrates how to initialize a global variable:

import UIKit

var globalVar: String = "Hello Swift!"

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {

Code Explanation for Declare A Global Variable In Swift

In the code snippet above, we are declaring a global variable globalVar of type String and initializing it with the value “Hello Swift!“. This variable is now accessible from anywhere in the app.

Next, we have a ViewController class. In this class, inside the viewDidLoad() function (which is called after the view has been loaded), we are simply printing the value of our global variable. This demonstrates that the globalVar is accessible inside the class although it’s declared outside the class, living up to its name as a global variable.

This is one of the simplest ways to declare and use a global variable in Swift. However, do remember that although global variables are easy to use, they can also make your code prone to errors and harder to manage if not used judiciously. It’s considered good programming practice to limit the scope of variables as much as possible to prevent unintended side effects.

Remember: Use global variables sparingly, and only when necessary.
