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Declare A Function With Return Value In Swift

Code snippet for how to Declare A Function With Return Value In Swift with sample and detail explanation

Swift, Appleā€™s powerful and intuitive programming language, allows you to declare a function with return values. These return values are powerful tools that enable your function to produce an output that you can use elsewhere in your code.

Code Snippet Declare a Function with Return Value in Swift

Here is a code snippet in Swift that declares a function with a return value:

func calculateArea(length: Int, width: Int) -> Int {
    let area = length * width
    return area

let areaOfRectangle = calculateArea(length: 5, width: 4)
print(areaOfRectangle) // Outputs: 20

Code Explanation for Declare a Function with Return Value in Swift

In this Swift function, we are calculating the area of a rectangle. Here is a step-by-step explanation of the code:

  1. We start by defining a function named calculateArea using the func keyword. The function takes two input parameters, length and width, both of which are Integers (Int).

  2. Following the parameter list, the function signature includes a right arrow (->) that indicates the return type of the function. Here, the return type is also an Integer (Int).

  3. Inside the function, a variable area is declared, which calculates the area by multiplying length and width.

  4. The return keyword is then used to indicate the output of the function. Here, the function will return the value in the area variable.

  5. The function is then called with the values 5 for length and 4 for width. The return value is stored in the areaOfRectangle variable.

  6. Lastly, we print the areaOfRectangle to the console to display the output of the function call.

By declaring a function with a return value, we can perform operations, calculate results, and return them for use in other parts of our code. This allows for more reusable, efficient, and clean code in Swift programming.
