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Declare A Float Number In Swift

Code snippet for how to Declare A Float Number In Swift with sample and detail explanation

Swift programming language is dynamic and flexible, offering a variety of ways to declare and manipulate data types. Among them, handling floating numbers is an integral part of any programmers’ skill set where we need to deal with decimal points in numerical values.

Code snippet for declaring a float number in Swift

In the Swift programming language, you could declare a float number as follows:

var myFloat: Float = 3.14

This code snippet would print out 3.14 on the console.

Code Explanation for declaring a float number in Swift

Let’s break down the above code snippet step by step.

  1. var myFloat: Float

The first portion of the code var myFloat: Float is where you declare a variable myFloat that will hold a Float type data. The var keyword is used to declare a variable in Swift. After the variable’s name myFloat there is a colon and then the type of data that this variable can hold which is Float here.

  1. = 3.14

After the equal sign, we assign the value 3.14 to the variable myFloat. Note that the value must be a floating-point number because we declared myFloat as a Float.

  1. print(myFloat)

Lastly, we use the print() function to print the value of myFloat. The print() function in Swift is used to print output to the console.

Upon executing this code, the output will be 3.14, the value that was assigned to the myFloat variable.

By following these steps, you should now be able to declare a float number in Swift.
