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Declare A Boolean In Swift

Code snippet for how to Declare A Boolean In Swift with sample and detail explanation

Swift is a dominant language actively used in iOS and macOS application development. In this brief tutorial, we will dive into a fundamental concept in Swift: how to declare a boolean variable.

Declaring a Boolean in Swift

When you want to work with boolean variables in Swift, you can use the Bool keyword. Here is a straightforward example of how to do it:

var isSunny: Bool = true

In this case, we are declaring a variable named isSunny and assign it the boolean value true.

Code Explanation for Declaring a Boolean

When declaring variables in Swift, it’s important to note the syntax. The keyword var initiates the declaration of a variable. Then we write the name of our variable, which in this case is isSunny.

Next follow the colon (:) and the keyword Bool. This combination, : Bool, specifies the variable’s type. Swift is a statically typed language, which means it performs type checking at compile-time as opposed to run-time. Specifying the type of the variable is, therefore, essential.

Finally, we use the equals sign (=) to assign a value to our variable. So, the true value is assigned to the isSunny variable.

Hereafter you can use this boolean variable in your code to check conditions, implement logic, etc. If the weather changes, for example, you can easily adjust the value of the isSunny variable:

isSunny = false

Now, the variable isSunny holds the value false, indicating the weather isn’t sunny anymore.

Remember, the power of Boolean lies in the simplicity of its values: true or false. It’s incredibly useful in programming when a binary choice can steer your logic flow in one direction or another. And declaring boolean variables in Swift is as simple as we saw above.
