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Count A String Length In Swift

Code snippet for how to Count A String Length In Swift with sample and detail explanation

Calculating the length of a string is a useful tool in Swift, and is easily accomplished with a few lines of code. This article will precisely explain how you can measure the length of a string by providing a simple code example and a step-by-step explanation.

Code snippet to calculate string length in Swift

Below is a simple piece of code that calculates the length of a string in Swift.

let string = "Hello, Swift"
let stringLength = string.count
print("The length of the string is: \(stringLength)")

In the above code, we measure the length of the string “Hello, Swift” and print the result.

Code Explanation for calculating string length in Swift

The first line of our code declares a constant with the let keyword. The constant string is assigned a value of “Hello, Swift”. In Swift, you can directly assign a string to a variable or constant using the equal sign.

let string = "Hello, Swift"

After declaring string, the second line of code determines the length of string using the .count property. The .count is a property provided by Swift’s standard library to count the total number of characters in a string.

let stringLength = string.count

The final line of our code prints the length of string. Here, we use Swift’s string interpolation, demonstrated by the backslash parens \( ), to include stringLength, or the value of an expression, directly in our output statement.

print("The length of the string is: \(stringLength)")

The print function then outputs the text “The length of the string is: 12” to the console.

Simply put, with just a few lines of code, we are able to count the length of any string in Swift. This is a fundamental and important feature when dealing with text manipulation or formatting in any Swift programming project.
