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Convert Variable From String To Int In Swift

Code snippet for how to Convert Variable From String To Int In Swift with sample and detail explanation

In Swift programming, converting a variable from String to Int is a common task. This article provides a simple guide on how this can be achieved.

Code snippet: String To Int Conversion

let str = "123"
if let int = Int(str) {
    print("The integer value is \(int).")
} else {
    print("Conversion failed.")

Code Explanation: String To Int Conversion

To convert a string to an integer in Swift, we start by declaring a string variable. The string contains digits that we want to convert. In this case, we use “123”.

let str = "123"

In the next step, we use the Int() initializer to try converting the str string to an integer. The Int() function attempts to create an integer from a String. However, it will not always succeed: if the string does not represent a valid integer, it can fail. To handle this, Int() returns an optional Int, and we should use if let or guard let to unwrap it safely.

if let int = Int(str) {
    print("The integer value is \(int).")
} else {
    print("Conversion failed.")

Here, we create a new variable int and assign it the result of the Int(str) conversion. If the conversion is successful, the if let block will be executed and The integer value is \(int). will be printed. In this instance, 123 will be printed as it is the integer representation of our string.

If the conversion is unsuccessful, which means the string can’t be converted to an integer, the else block will be executed and Conversion failed. will be printed.

The advantage of using this method is that we can avoid errors due to attempting to convert inappropriate strings into integers. It allows our code to fail gracefully rather than crashing at runtime.
