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Convert Variable From Float To String In Swift

Code snippet for how to Convert Variable From Float To String In Swift with sample and detail explanation

In this article, we’ll be discussing a common programming requirement you may encounter when using Swift, that is, converting a float to a string. Whether you need to display numerical data to your app users or process numbers as text, understanding how to perform this conversion is essential.

Code snippet: Convert Variable from Float to String in Swift

In Swift, we typically use the String initializer to convert a Float into a String. Below is the code snippet demonstrating how it’s done:

let floatNumber: Float = 3.14
let convertedString = String(floatNumber)

When you run this code, the output will be 3.14 as a string.

Code Explanation: Convert Variable from Float to String in Swift

Now, let’s break down the code above to understand how it works:

  1. We first declare a Float variable called floatNumber and assign a value of 3.14 to it.
let floatNumber: Float = 3.14
  1. Following that, we use the String() initializer to convert this floatNumber into a String. We assign this new String value to a variable called convertedString.
let convertedString = String(floatNumber)

The String() initializer in Swift works by transforming other data types into a String format.

  1. Finally, printing this variable to console, you’ll see the original float number as a string.

And that’s it. By following these steps, you can easily convert any floating point number into a string in Swift. This comes in handy when you’re building applications that involve manipulating numerical values as strings.
