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Check If A String Is Empty In Swift

Code snippet for how to Check If A String Is Empty In Swift with sample and detail explanation

In Swift programming, it’s often required to check if a string is empty. This post aims to simplify this process and show you how to check whether a string is empty or not in Swift.

Code snippet: Check If A String Is Empty In Swift

var myString = "Hello, World!"

if myString.isEmpty {
    print("String is empty")
} else {
    print("String is not empty")

You can also use a string’s count property:

var myString = "Hello, World!"

if myString.count == 0 {
    print("String is empty")
} else {
    print("String is not empty")

Code Explanation: Check If A String Is Empty In Swift

The Swift standard library comes with a built-in isEmpty property for the String type, you can use this property to check if a string is empty.

if myString.isEmpty {
    print("String is empty")
} else {
    print("String is not empty")

In the code above, we have a variable myString that contains the string “Hello, World!“. The isEmpty property of myString is used in the if statement to check whether the string is empty or not. If it is, it will print “String is empty”, otherwise it will print “String is not empty”.

In the second code snippet, we’re using the count property of the myString instance:

if myString.count == 0 {
    print("String is empty")
} else {
    print("String is not empty")

The count property returns the number of characters in a string. So if myString.count is equal to 0, it means that the string is empty. Otherwise, it is not empty, hence the print statements.

It’s worth noting that isEmpty is more efficient than checkingcount == 0, particularly for a string with a large number of characters. This is because isEmpty checks whether the count property is equal to 0, which is a constant time operation, whereas evaluating count can be a linear time operation for long strings.
