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Append Item In Array In Swift

Code snippet for how to Append Item In Array In Swift with sample and detail explanation

Swift, a high-performance system programming language developed by Apple, provides methods to organize data in a flexible and efficient manner. One such method involves appending items to arrays, which are ordered collections of values. This article explains how to append an item to an array in Swift simply and effectively.

Code snippet for Append Item In Array In Swift

Here is a basic example in Swift that shows how to append an item to an array:

var array = ["One", "Two", "Three"]

When you run this code, the output will be: ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four"].

Code Explanation for Append Item In Array In Swift

In the given code snippet, we start by defining an array:

var array = ["One", "Two", "Three"]

This creates an array named array with three string elements.

Next, we use the append function to add an element to the end of this array:


Here "Four" is the element we’re appending to array. After executing this line, array contains four elements: "One", "Two", "Three", and "Four".

Finally, we print the array:


This outputs the updated array to the console. So, you will see ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four"] as the output.

Using the append function is very convenient in Swift because it allows us to dynamically add elements to an array after it has been initially defined, offering flexibility and saving us time in our coding.

Remember that the append function only adds elements to the end of an array. If you want to insert an element at a specific position in the array, you will need to use the insert(_:at:) function.

Therefore, this handy function, append in Swift, makes adding elements to arrays a seamless process, aiding in building efficient and potent applications.
