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search for a character in a string in Ruby

Code snippet on how to search for a character in a string in Ruby

  string = "Welcome to coding!"
  search_char = "o"
  if string.include? search_char
    puts "The string includes the character #{search_char}!"
    puts "The string does not include the character #{search_char}!"

This code searches for a character in a string. First, it assigns the string “Welcome to coding!” to the variable ‘string’. Then, it assigns the character you want to search for (‘o’) to the variable ‘search_char’. After that, the code checks if the string includes the character, and prints out a sentence accordingly. For example, if ‘o’ is included in the string, then “The string includes the character o!” will be printed out, and if ‘o’ is not included, then “The string does not include the character o!” will be printed out.
