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Split A String By A Delimiter In PHP

Code snippet for how to Split A String By A Delimiter In PHP with sample and detail explanation

Splitting a string by a delimiter in PHP is a routine yet vital task in web development. This article aims to delve into the details of how you can do this through an easy-to-understand practical guide.

Code snippet to Split a String By a Delimiter In PHP

Here is a beneficial code snippet demonstrating how you can split a string by a specific delimiter in PHP:

  $str = "The quick,brown,fox,jumps,over,the lazy,dog";
  $delimiter = ",";
  $array = explode($delimiter, $str);

Code Explanation for Splitting a String By a Delimiter In PHP

The snippet provided efficiently breaks down a string by a delimiter. Let’s understand how each part of the code functions.

In this example, we use the explode() function. The explode() function in PHP is used to split a string into an array by a string.

Our delimiter is a comma (,), and the string we want to split is "The quick,brown,fox,jumps,over,the lazy,dog".

In the code, there is this line $array = explode($delimiter, $str); where we call the explode() function, giving it the delimiter and the string to split. The function returns an array, which we save into the $array variable.

Finally, the print_r($array); is used to print the elements of $array, which will show all parts of the string, split by the provided delimiter. The ‘print_r’ function prints the array element with the numeric index as well as the element values.

After running the given code, we’ll get the following output:

    [0] => The quick
    [1] => brown
    [2] => fox
    [3] => jumps
    [4] => over
    [5] => the lazy
    [6] => dog

Following this step-by-step guide should help you understand how to split a string by a delimiter in PHP.
