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Reverse A String In PHP

Code snippet for how to Reverse A String In PHP with sample and detail explanation

In this article, we will learn how to reverse a string in PHP. This can be crucial for a variety of tasks, from data processing to creating unique IDs from existing ones.

Code snippet For String Reversal

$string = 'Hello World!!';
$reversed_String = strrev($string);
echo $reversed_String; 

Code Explanation for String Reversal

The PHP language has a built-in function strrev() that reverses a string. Let’s understand the script step-by-step:

  1. First, we declare a PHP variable $string and assign it the string ‘Hello World!!‘.
$string = 'Hello World!!';
  1. Then, we use the strrev() function to reverse the $string.
$reversed_String = strrev($string);

The strrev() function does all the heavy lifting here, meaning it reverses the string. It takes one parameter, which is the string that you want to reverse.

  1. Finally, the reversed string is echoed out with the echo statement:
echo $reversed_String; 

The above PHP code will output:

!!dlroW olleH

This demonstrates that the content of the $string variable has been successfully reversed. Simple as it seems but it can be invaluable in applications where string manipulation is essential. With this, you should be able to reverse any string in PHP with just a single line of code.
