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Replace A Word In A String In PHP

Code snippet for how to Replace A Word In A String In PHP with sample and detail explanation

Working with strings is a common task in any programming language and PHP is no different. In this article, we will explore how to replace a word in a string using PHP, a very handy function that can be used in numerous scenarios.

Code Snippet

In PHP, there is a built-in function called str_replace() that can be used to replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string. Here is the code snippet:

    $str = "Hello world!";
    $new_str = str_replace("world", "readers", $str);
    echo $new_str;

Running this code will display “Hello readers!“.

Code Explanation

Let’s look at how this code works step by step.

  1. First, we define a string, $str = "Hello world!";.

  2. Following that, we use the str_replace() function to replace ‘world’ with ‘readers’. In str_replace(), the first argument is the word you want to replace, the second argument is the new word, and the third argument is the variable containing the string.

$new_str = str_replace("world", "readers", $str);
  1. Finally, we use the echo statement to print the new string, $new_str.

Here, our original string was Hello world!. After applying the str_replace() function, ‘world’ is replaced with ‘readers’, so the output is Hello readers!.

That’s all there is to it. Replacing a word in a string is quite simple in PHP. With str_replace(), you can easily modify strings to fit different needs in your PHP applications. It is a powerful function that will be invaluable for any coder working with PHP.
