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Loop Object In PHP

Code snippet for how to Loop Object In PHP with sample and detail explanation

Looping in PHP is a fundamental concept that every developer must comprehend. It allows us to execute a block of code several times until a certain condition is met, thus saving us from unnecessary repetitive tasks.

Code Snippet

Below is a simple example of a Loop Object in PHP.

$fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"];

foreach ($fruits as $fruit) {
    echo $fruit . "<br>";

Code Explanation

The above code snippet is an example of a foreach loop in PHP - one of the four types of loop available in PHP (the others being for, while and do...while).

Here is a breakdown of the code:

  1. First, we create an array called $fruits, which contains three elements namely ‘apple’, ‘banana’, and ‘cherry’.

  2. Then, we initiate a foreach loop. This loop will systematically go through each element in the $fruits array.

  3. Inside the loop, we have a command to echo (print out) the value of each $fruit. The $fruit variable here stands for each element of the $fruits array. So, on the first loop, it will contain ‘apple’, on the second loop, it will contain ‘banana’, and on the third and final loop, it will contain ‘cherry’. We also concatenate a ”<br>” tag after $fruit. The ”<br>” tag is an HTML tag that indicates a line break.

Therefore, if you execute this PHP file in a browser, it should output:


This signifies that the loop has successfully executed the echo command for each element in the $fruits array.

In conclusion, loops in PHP are powerful tools that can greatly aid in data manipulation and processing, simplifying coding and making your code cleaner and easier to understand. Understanding how to effectively use loops will be extremely beneficial in your journey as a PHP developer.
