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Do A While Loop In PHP

Code snippet for how to Do A While Loop In PHP with sample and detail explanation

PHP, as a popular programming language, offers a wide variety of control structures to facilitate the creation of complex, dynamic websites. Among these is the ‘Do While’ loop, which helps improve the efficiency of your PHP code and reduce repetition.

Code Snippet for Do While Loop in PHP

Here’s a simple illustration of a Do While loop in PHP:

$i = 0;
do {
  echo $i;
} while ($i < 5);

This short snippet of PHP code will output the numbers from 0 to 4 when run.

Code Explanation for Do While Loop in PHP

The above code snippet is a simple example demonstrating how the ‘Do While’ loop works in PHP. Let’s break it down step-by-step:

  1. First, we declare and initialize a variable $i with the value 0, which we’ll use as our counter variable for the loop.
$i = 0;
  1. Next, we enter the ‘Do While’ loop. The ‘Do While’ loop starts with the keyword ‘do’, followed by a block of code which is enclosed in curly braces {}. This block of code, in this case, is to echo the current value of $i and then increment $i by 1.
do {
  echo $i;
  1. Following the ‘do’ block is the ‘while’ condition. The ‘while’ keyword is followed by the condition for the loop enclosed in parentheses (). This condition checks if $i is less than the number 5.
while ($i < 5);

Understand that the code inside the ‘do’ block will always be executed at least once, even if the condition for the ‘while’ part is false the first time.

So, in this example, the code will echo the numbers from 0 to 4. After the value of $i increments to 5, the condition in the ‘while’ part becomes false, and the loop stops. If you run this code, your output should look like this:


That’s how you can effectively use the ‘Do While’ loop in PHP to write efficient and dynamic code. Mastering this loop, alongside other control structures in PHP, is crucial while learning the language and building complex applications.
