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Declare An Integer In PHP

Code snippet for how to Declare An Integer In PHP with sample and detail explanation

Coding in PHP can be made easy and fun if we get our roots strong. In this article, we will comprehend a fundamental concept: how to declare an integer in PHP.

Code Snippet: Declare An Integer In PHP

Declaring an integer in PHP is quite straightforward and is performed using the ”$” symbol. Let’s look at a typical example:

   $new_integer = 20;
   echo $new_integer;

Code Explanation for: Declare An Integer In PHP

  1. Open your PHP tag. All PHP codes are enclosed within the ”” tags. The first line of your code should, therefore, be ”<?php”.

  2. Next, set a variable name that will hold your integer. In PHP, all variable names start with a dollar ($) symbol. In our example, the variable name is “$new_integer”.

  3. After the variable name, place an equal sign (=). This is used to assign values to variables in PHP.

  4. After the equal sign, write your desired integer. Here, an integer value of “20” is assigned to the variable “$new_integer”.

  5. Close your assignment statement with a semicolon (;). Every PHP statement needs to be closed with a semicolon, signaling the PHP interpreter that your statement ends there.

  6. “Echo” is used to display the output of the PHP code on-screen. In this case, “echo $new_integer;” will display the number 20 on your screen.

  7. Close your PHP tag with ”?>“. This informs the PHP interpreter that it’s the end of the PHP code.

This example demonstrates the basic procedure to declare an integer in PHP. Remember, PHP does not require you to declare the data type of the variable as it is a loosely typed language. PHP automatically converts the variable to the correct data type, depending on its value. On this case, $new_integer is automatically deemed an integer because it holds an integer value of 20.
