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Declare A Class In PHP

Code snippet for how to Declare A Class In PHP with sample and detail explanation

Declaring a class in PHP is an essential step in object-oriented programming. It allows you to create complex, scalable, and reusable scripts that simplify programming tasks.

Declaring A Class In PHP - Code Snippet

To declare a class in PHP, here is a simple code snippet to demonstrate:

class MyClass {
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function setProperty($newval) {
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    public function getProperty() {
        return $this->prop1;

This represents a basic class declaration in PHP.

Code Explanation for Declaring A Class In PHP

Let’s dissect each part of the code snippet above to understand better how to declare a class in PHP.

  1. class MyClass: This line is the declaration of the class itself. ‘MyClass’ is the name of the class, but you can replace this with any name you prefer.

  2. public $prop1: Here we declare a class property. The keyword ‘public’ defines its visibility scope. $prop1 is a variable that holds the class property and it’s initially assigned a string value “I’m a class property!“.

  3. public function setProperty($newval): This line declares a method within the class. It is named ‘setProperty’ and takes one argument $newval. The content of the function, $this->prop1 = $newval;, indicates that when the method is called, the class property $prop1 will be set to whatever value is passed as $newval.

  4. public function getProperty(): This is another method. It doesn’t take any arguments but when called, it returns the current value of $prop1, the class property.

  5. ?>: This is the PHP closing tag. Always remember to close your PHP scripts with this to avoid any errors.

In conclusion, declaring a class in PHP involves initializing the class with the class keyword, defining properties with their visibility (public, protected, or private), and writing any number of methods that encapsulate the behavior of the class. Understanding this allows you to leverage the full power of object-oriented programming in PHP.
