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Create Comments In PHP

Code snippet for how to Create Comments In PHP with sample and detail explanation

Creating and implementing comments in PHP coding can significantly improve the readability and understanding of the code for the programmer. Here is a detailed guide on how to create comments in PHP, including the process and their importance.

Code snippet

  // This is a single line comment

  This is a 
  multi-line comment

Code Explanation

Comments in PHP start with // for single-line comments and /*…*/ for multi-line comments. Putting a comment in your PHP code simply means communicating something to anyone who reviews the script. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. A single line comment in PHP is created by pre-fixing the text with two forward slash symbols //.

    For example, // This is a single line comment is a simple one line comment.

  2. Often, when the comment is lengthier and spans across multiple lines, we use a set of /*……*/. Everything within this set becomes a comment.

    For example,

    This is a 
    multi-line comment

    is a standard multiline comment in PHP.

  3. Comments in PHP are ignored by the server. However, they are read and understood by developers, which helps them comprehend the code better.

  4. Comments are best used to jot down something you wish to remember in the future or for other team members to understand the script better.

Through following these steps, you can create comments in PHP which improve script comprehension and foster effective team collaboration.
