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Convert A String To Uppercase In PHP

Code snippet for how to Convert A String To Uppercase In PHP with sample and detail explanation

PHP, as a server-side scripting language, provides various functions for web development. One such versatile feature of PHP which is often used is the converting of string values to uppercase. This article provides a guide on how to convert a string to uppercase using PHP.

Code snippet: Convert string to uppercase

Below is a simple PHP code snippet that converts a string value to uppercase.


// Define a string
$string = "convert this string to uppercase";

// Convert string to uppercase
$uppercaseString = strtoupper($string);

// Echo the uppercase string
echo $uppercaseString;


When you run this code, it will output: CONVERT THIS STRING TO UPPERCASE.

Code Explanation: Convert string to uppercase

In the code snippet above, the primary function we used is the strtoupper() function. Let’s break down the code step-by-step.

  1. First, we define a string: convert this string to uppercase. This is stored in the $string variable.
$string = "convert this string to uppercase";
  1. Next, we use the PHP strtoupper() function. This function takes a string as an argument and converts all the alphabetical characters in the string into uppercase. We pass in our $string variable to this function and store the result in the $uppercaseString variable.
$uppercaseString = strtoupper($string);
  1. Finally, we echo out the $uppercaseString variable to display the resulting string in uppercase:
echo $uppercaseString;

This will give you the original string convert this string to uppercase, fully converted to uppercase letters: CONVERT THIS STRING TO UPPERCASE.

This method is useful when you’re dealing with user data and want to standardize certain inputs (like email addresses or country names) to one case for smoother data processing.
