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Combine Two Strings In PHP

Code snippet for how to Combine Two Strings In PHP with sample and detail explanation

In the world of web development, PHP is a common language used for server-side scripting. One of the elementary tasks in PHP programming is combining two strings, and in this article, we will walk you through how to achieve this using in-built PHP functions.

Code snippet: Combining strings in PHP

Here is a simple PHP script that combines two strings.

    $string1 = "Hello, ";
    $string2 = "World!";
    $combinedString = $string1 . $string2;
    echo $combinedString;

By running this PHP script, the output will be: “Hello, World!“.

Code Explanation for: Combining strings in PHP

Let’s break down this script to understand its components better:

  1. $string1 = "Hello, "; and $string2 = "World!";: Here, we declare two string type variables. The first variable, $string1, holds the value Hello, , and the second variable, $string2, holds the value World!.

  2. $combinedString = $string1 . $string2;: In this line, we combine the two strings. In PHP, the dot (.) operator is used to concatenate or join together two or more strings. So $combinedString will hold the value Hello, World!.

  3. echo $combinedString;: Finally, we use the echo statement to output the value of the $combinedString. The echo statement is used in PHP to output one or more strings. When the script is run, it prints out the combined string, which is Hello, World!.

Please note that whitespace matters in strings. We include a space after the comma in $string1 to correctly format the output. Without this space, the output would read Hello,World! instead of Hello, World!.

And that’s it! String concatenation in PHP is as simple as joining two strings using the dot operator. Remember, this concept is fundamental when it comes to the processing and manipulation of data in server-side scripting as well as in web development in general.
