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write in javascript

Code snippet for how to how to write in javascript with sample and detail explanation

How to Write in Javascript

JavaScript is one of the most prominent and utilized programming languages in the world. It’s the backbone of the modern web, and learning it will enable you to build dynamic and interactive websites.

Write your first JavaScript Code Snippet

To begin with JavaScript, you need to have a basic knowledge of HTML. JavaScript codes can be included directly in your HTML files. A “Hello, World!” simple JavaScript program can look like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
   alert("Hello, World!");

Copy the code above and paste it into your HTML file, save the changes and load your HTML file into the web browser. You will see an alert dialog with the text “Hello, World!“.

Code Explanation for your first JavaScript Code Snippet

Let’s breakdown the code snippet presented above:

  • The <script type="text/javascript"> line is the starting point of JavaScript in an HTML file. This line tells the browser to start interpreting the lines that follow as JavaScript.

  • The alert("Hello, World!"); is a JavaScript function. The alert() function will display the provided text in an alert box. In this case, the function is displaying the string “Hello, World!“.

  • The </script> line is the endpoint of JavaScript in an HTML file. Similar to other HTML tags, the <script> tag needs to be closed with </script>.

By understanding the basic structure of a JavaScript program, you can begin to manipulate it to suit your needs. Try to change the message in the alert function and observe the result. Happy coding!
