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turn off javascript on iphone

Code snippet for how to how to turn off javascript on iphone with sample and detail explanation

If you’re experiencing issues browsing certain websites or apps on your iPhone, one solution might be to disable JavaScript. This article will guide you on how to achieve that easily and swiftly.

Disabling JavaScript on iPhone

Here are the simple steps to follow:

  1. Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Safari”.
  3. Then tap on “Advanced” which is located at the bottom of the Safari settings.
  4. You will see a “JavaScript” toggle. If the switch is green, it means JavaScript is enabled. To disable it, simply tap the toggle and it should turn grey.

And that’s it. You have successfully turned off JavaScript on your iPhone.

To enable JavaScript again, simply follow the same procedure and ensure the toggle for JavaScript is green.
