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turn off javascript in chrome

Code snippet for how to how to turn off javascript in chrome with sample and detail explanation

Sometimes, you may need to disable JavaScript on your Chrome browser for various reasons such as security or just to see how a website behaves without it. This article provides you with easy, step by step instructions on how to accomplish this task.

Steps to Turn Off JavaScript in Chrome

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser and go to the top right corner of the window. Click on the three vertical dots to open a dropdown menu.
  2. From this dropdown menu, select “Settings”.
[Click on Chrome Dropdown Menu -> Click on Settings]
  1. In the Settings page, scroll down and select “Advanced”. This will open up additional settings options.
  2. Under the “Privacy and security” panel, select the “Site Settings” option.
[Scroll in Settings -> Click on Advanced -> Select Site settings under Privacy and security]
  1. In the Site Settings page, scroll down until you find an option labeled “JavaScript”. Click on it.
  2. Toggle the switch from “Allowed” to “Blocked”, thereby disabling JavaScript.
[Scroll in Site Settings -> Click on JavaScript -> Switch from Allowed to Blocked]

Explanation for the Steps

The instructions provided above simply guide you through the process of accessing Google Chrome’s Site Settings, where you can manage JavaScript settings.

The “Settings” menu in Chrome offers users a variety of ways to customize their browsing experience. By navigating to the “Advanced” settings, you will find more specific options related to the browser’s security and data settings.

The “Site Settings” is under the “Privacy and security” panel. It contains all the settings linked to how websites on Chrome can interact with your computer. Here, you can control permissions for various website features, including JavaScript.

Disabling JavaScript means you are denying websites the ability to execute JavaScript code on your browser. By switching from “Allowed” to “Blocked”, the browser will no more run this kind of script on the websites you visit. Please note that while this can improve security or loading speed, it might also result in some websites not displaying or working properly.
