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see javascript code in chrome

Code snippet for how to how to see javascript code in chrome with sample and detail explanation

When developing or debugging a website, it’s often very helpful to view the JavaScript code that’s running behind the scenes. In this article, we will walk through how to see the JavaScript code in Google Chrome browser.

View Page Source

Navigate to the page where you’d like to see the JavaScript code. Right-click anywhere on the page and select “Inspect” from the pop-up menu. This will open Chrome’s Developer Tools.

Once the Developer Tools are open, you can see the HTML code for the page. The JavaScript code can be located within <script> tags in the HTML, but more commonly, JavaScript files are linked within the HTML. These files will be named with a .js extension.

Look for <script src="some-file-name.js"> tags. Click on the .js file link to open that file in a new tab in Developer Tools.

Code Explanation

The JavaScript code you’re looking at is what’s running on the client side - in your browser. This code is responsible for much of a website’s interactivity, such as form validation, as well as creating dynamic content.

Looking at this code can give you insight into how the website operates. For example, you might be able to understand the function of certain buttons on the website, or figure out why a website behaves in a particular way. Just remember, this code is often minified, which means it’s intentionally made hard to read in order to save space. You can use the “Pretty print” button (looks like {}) at the bottom of the Dev Tools window to format minified code and make it easier to read.

Remember, while reviewing JavaScript code within a browser can serve as a great learning tool or help debug your own code, always respect the copyright laws and privacy restrictions associated with any code you might find.

This covers the basics of how to see JavaScript code running on a website in Chrome. The more you explore, the more familiar you’ll become with JavaScript syntax and how different scripts interact with web elements. Happy coding!
