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run javascript in visual studio code

Code snippet for how to how to run javascript in visual studio code with sample and detail explanation

Embracing Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code for writing JavaScript could be a game-changer for your coding journey. This handy-detailed guide will walk you through the process of running JavaScript in Visual Studio Code effortlessly.

Setting Up Visual Studio Code for JavaScript

Your first prerequisite is to have Visual Studio Code software installed in your computer. Once the installation is complete, open your Visual Studio Code and get ready to put it to use.

  1. Launch the Visual Studio Code.
  2. Navigate to the Explorer on the side-bar menu and create a new File with a ‘.js’ extension, for example, code.js. This extension informs Visual Studio Code that you intend to write JavaScript.
  3. Type or paste your JavaScript code into this new file. An elementary example could be:
let name = "Developer";
console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);

After writing your JavaScript code, save the changes.

Running JavaScript Code in Visual Studio Code

To successfully run your JavaScript code, you will need a JavaScript runtime like Node.js. If you don’t have Node.js installed, download it from the official website and follow the installation instructions.

  1. Once Node.js is ready, create a new terminal in Visual Studio Code by navigating to Terminal > New Terminal.
  2. Navigate to the JavaScript file location in the terminal using the cd command.
  3. Run the code by typing node yourfilename.js and press Enter.

Provided your JavaScript code doesn’t have any errors, you should see the output of your JavaScript code in the terminal.

Code Explanation for JavaScript in Visual Studio Code

Using the previous example, “Developer” is the string that is assigned to the variable name in the JavaScript code. The console.log() method, in turn, prints out the string “Hello, Developer!” as it is written in the script.

This method is often used as a debugging tool, giving you the ability to print out variables, arrays or objects to the console to make sure they contain the values you expect.

Remember the secret to mastering any coding language, JavaScript inclusive, is continuous practice and exploration. The more you interact with the Visual Studio Code environment, the more comfortable and proficient you become. Happy coding!
