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run javascript code

Code snippet for how to how to run javascript code with sample and detail explanation

Learning to run JavaScript code is a fundamental step in diving into web development. Although it may seem daunting at first, this tutorial will break it down into manageable steps to make the process a breeze.

Code snippet for Running JavaScript

Here is a simple code snippet which will help you understand how to run a JavaScript code.

<!DOCTYPE html>

function greetUser() {
   alert("Hello, World!");


Code Explanation for Running JavaScript

This code demonstrates how to execute a simple JavaScript function. The HTML document structure is enveloped within <html> and <body> tags. Inside these, the <script> tags identify where JavaScript is to be implemented.

The greetUser() function in the script is created to display an alert box with a message. The alert() method is a built-in JavaScript function that displays an alert box with a specified message and an OK button.

Once the greetUser() function is defined, it is invoked or called by writing greetUser();. If you don’t call the function, it won’t run.

Thus, when you open this HTML page in your web browser, the JavaScript code within the <script> tag will run, calling the greetUser() function and you will see an alert box popping up with the message “Hello, World!“.

Keep in mind, JavaScript can be implemented in three ways in your HTML document - inline, internal and external. In this case, we’ve used internal method where the JavaScript code is written directly within <script> tags in the HTML document.

Once you’ve written your JavaScript code, save your HTML file with “.html” extension and then run it on a browser to see the results. Practice running this simple code and move onto more complex JavaScript functions as you progress.

Remember, JavaScript is a powerful scripting language that enables you to provide dynamic content on your websites and enhance user experience. So keep practicing and happy coding!
