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run a javascript file in visual studio code

Code snippet for how to how to run a javascript file in visual studio code with sample and detail explanation

Running a JavaScript file in Visual Studio Code is a simple process that can be easily mastered by developers. This article provides a step-by-step approach on how to accomplish this task.

Code Snippet: Running a JavaScript File in Visual Studio Code

The first thing to do is to make sure you have Node.js installed as this is the runtime environment we will be using to interpret the JavaScript code. If you don’t already have Node.js installed, you can download it from the Official Node.js Website. Once installed, you can verify its installation by typing node -v in your terminal, which should display the version of Node.js installed on your system.

Now, open your Visual Studio Code and create a new JavaScript file by clicking on File -> New File then save it with a .js extension.

After writing your JavaScript code in your newly created file, you can run it by following these steps:

  1. Open the terminal in Visual Studio Code. This can be done by clicking on Terminal -> New Terminal.

  2. Now, navigate to the directory where your file is saved. Use the cd command to switch directories. For instance, if your file is in a folder named ‘MyProgram’ on your desktop, you would type cd Desktop/MyProgram.

  3. Once you’re in the correct directory, type node yourfilename.js in the terminal and hit enter. Replace ‘yourfilename’ with the name of your JavaScript file.

The terminal should display the results of your code.

Code Explanation: Running a JavaScript File in Visual Studio Code

The use of Node.js is central to running Javascript files on your computer system. Node.js provides an environment for writing server-side and networking applications in JavaScript, and as such, a suitable environment for interpreting JavaScript code on your system.

“File -> New File” and saving with a .js extension creates a new JavaScript file where you can write your JavaScript code.

The Terminal in Visual Studio Code is an integrated terminal that enables you to interact directly with command lines from within Visual Studio Code. Opening the terminal and navigating to your file directory (using the cd command) allows you to run command lines directly on your JavaScript file.

Finally, running the command node yourfilename.js, where ‘yourfilename’ is the name of your JavaScript file, uses Node.js to interpret your JavaScript code and display the results in the terminal. Running this line of code will give you real-time output of your JavaScript file in Visual Studio Code’s integrated terminal.
