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reverse a string javascript

Code snippet for how to how to reverse a string javascript with sample and detail explanation

In this article, we will be exploring the in-depth process that goes into reversing a string in JavaScript, one of the most high-level and dynamic programming languages around. Being able to properly manipulate strings under different conditions is an essential skill in JavaScript which we will delve into in this tutorial.

Code snippet for Reversing a string in Javascript

function reverseString(str) {
    return str.split("").reverse().join("");

// Output: olleh

This simple function, when run, will take a word, in this case “hello”, and return the word reversed - “olleh”

Code Explanation for Reversing a string in Javascript

Let’s break down our stub function reverseString(str) line by line:

  1. str.split("") - This line of code will split the string into an array of characters. For instance, in our case, the string “hello” will be converted into ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"].

  2. .reverse() - Once we have our array of characters, the reverse() function is called on it. It reverses the positions of the elements in the array. At this stage, based on our example, our array of characters would look like this: ["o", "l", "l", "e", "h"].

  3. .join("") - Lastly, join("") is called on our reversed array of characters. This will combine all the elements of the array into a string again, but this time, they remain in their reversed order, resulting in “olleh”.

  4. console.log(reverseString("hello")); - This is the function call where we use “hello” as a parameter which activates our reverseString function. The resulting reversed string is then printed to the console.

That is the full breakdown of the JavaScript function to reverse a string. It’s a simple yet useful function, demonstrating the power and flexibility of string manipulation in JavaScript. Remember that understanding the processes of each in-built function is vital as it helps you use the language more effectively.
