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remove event listener javascript

Code snippet for how to how to remove event listener javascript with sample and detail explanation

As we delve into JavaScript programming, the need to control interactions on the web page becomes increasingly important, and this is where event listeners come in handy. Sometimes, however, it becomes necessary to remove these event listeners, and this article will guide you through how to do just that.

Removing an Event Listener in JavaScript

In JavaScript, you can quite simply use the removeEventListener() method to remove an event listener from an element. Here is how you can do it:

// First, declare your function
function eventFunction() {
    console.log('The event was triggered!');

// Add event listener to an element
document.getElementById("id").addEventListener("click", eventFunction);

// Now remove the event listener
document.getElementById("id").removeEventListener("click", eventFunction);

Code Explanation for Removing an Event Listener in JavaScript

In our code snippet, we start off by declaring a function eventFunction that simply logs a line of text when an event is triggered. The next line of code adds a click event listener to the element with the ID id, such that our eventFunction is called whenever the element is clicked.

Now, suppose we want to stop the logging whenever this element is clicked. We will need to remove the event listener. This is done simply by calling the removeEventListener() method on our element. This method takes two arguments: the type of event that is being listened to (in this case, a click) and the function that is called when the event is triggered.

Therefore, document.getElementById("id").removeEventListener("click", eventFunction); will efficiently remove the click event listener from our element with the ID id, such that eventFunction isn’t called anymore when the element is clicked.

However, notice that you have to pass the exact function that was binded, not a new function, to the method removeEventListener(). It means that removeEventListener won’t work as expected, if initialized with an anonymous function.

These are amongst the most basic and most useful tools at your disposal for controlling user interactions in JavaScript, and should give you a good stepping stone to start creating more interactive and dynamic web pages.
