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link javascript to html

Code snippet for how to how to link javascript to html with sample and detail explanation

JavaScript, a versatile scripting language, adds more functionality to your site by allowing you to create interactive web pages. Learning how to link JavaScript to HTML is one of the basic skills you need to improve your website.

To link JavaScript to HTML, you must include the <script> tag in your HTML file. In this scenario, we will use an external JavaScript file. Here is how it should look:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Page Title</title>
    <h1>My First Web Page</h1>
    <p>My first paragraph</p>

    <script src="script.js"></script>

On the other hand, the script.js file might contain:

alert('Hello, World!');

Code Explanation for Linking JavaScript to HTML

To connect JavaScript to HTML, you need to consider two aspects: the location of the <script> tag and the src attribute.

In the given code snippet, the <script> tag is placed just before the closing </body> tag. This practice is widely considered good for performance reasons, as placing scripts at the bottom allows the rest of the HTML content to load first. Thus, your users will not experience delay in viewing your webpage content, even if your scripts take a while to load.

The src attribute in the <script> tag specifies the path to the JavaScript file to be included. Here, “script.js” is an external JavaScript file located in the same folder as the HTML file. If the JavaScript file is located in another folder, the path should be specified accordingly.

Finally, the script.js file in this case merely displays a pop-up alert saying, “Hello, World!“. Usually, you can add more complex JavaScript codes such as functions or event handling methods to augment the HTML content’s interactivity.

Remember, learning how to link JavaScript to HTML is only the initial step. As you grow as a web developer, you will encounter more advanced ways to enhance your webpage’s responsiveness and interactivity using JavaScript.
