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hide api keys in javascript

Code snippet for how to how to hide api keys in javascript with sample and detail explanation

Every developer understands the catastrophic consequences that can occur when sensitive data such as API keys are exposed. Not surprisingly, securing such crucial information is paramount, particularly while working with Javascript. This article will explore a simple but effective method of hiding API keys in Javascript.

Storing API keys in .env files

To hide API keys in Javascript, the commonly used and convenient method is to store them in a separate environment file, usually named .env.

Below is a code snippet of how to effectively use .env files.

//require dotenv package

//use the stored API key from .env
const API_KEY = process.env.API_KEY;

console.log('Your API Key is ', API_KEY);

Create a .env file in your root directory, and store your API key like so:


Code Explanation for Storing API keys in .env files

The dotenv package loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env. Essentially, it makes your API keys accessible as properties of the process.env object in your code.

In the code snippet above, we first require the dotenv package and call config() method, which will load variable from the .env file located in the same directory as the file where require('dotenv').config() is called.

Then we access our API key using process.env.API_KEY. The value of API_KEY would be ‘YourSecretAPIKeyHere’, which we defined in our .env file.

Printing it on console is just for demonstration purpose. In your actual application, you’d use it to authenticate to whichever service requires it.

Please remember to never expose your .env files. Be sure to add .env to your .gitignore file so it doesn’t get committed on git repositories. Happy coding!
