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enable javascript on android

Code snippet for how to how to enable javascript on android with sample and detail explanation

To ensure that you get the most out of your website browsing experience, enabling Javascript on your Android device is something you’ll want to know how to do. This article will guide you through the straightforward process that will allow you to access all the features that websites have to offer.

Step by Step Guide to Enable Javascript on Android

  1. First, open the web browser on your Android device, such as Google Chrome or Firefox, the same way you would when browsing the internet.

  2. Once the browser is open, locate the menu option. For most Android devices, this will be in the form of three vertical or horizontal dots located at the top right, or bottom right of the screen.

  3. When you tap the menu option, a list of options will be displayed. Scroll down to find the Setting option and tap on it.

  4. In the Settings menu, locate the Advanced settings. This may be into the submenu depending on the browser you are using.

  5. Within the Advanced settings, find the Site Settings option and tap on it.

  6. In the Site Settings menu, locate Javascript and tap on it.

  7. Tap on the Off or Disable button to turn Javascript on. It should now say On or Enable.

Explanation of Steps

Enabling JavaScript on your Android device essentially allows your browser to run the JavaScript language. JavaScript is used to create dynamic content on websites, so disabling it can often remove a lot of functionality. Here’s a detailed explanation of each step in the process:

  1. The web browser is the application program that you use to browse the internet. Common examples include Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

  2. The menu option is usually represented by three vertical or horizontal dots located at the top or bottom of the browser screen.

  3. In the menu list, the Settings option will direct you to the section where you can customize the browser functionalities to your preference.

  4. Advanced Settings on your browser allows you to customize complex functionalities that might not be seen or almost never used by most users.

  5. Site Settings is where all the functionalities for how websites appear and interact with you are stored.

  6. The JavaScript option within Site Settings takes you to where you can enable or disable JavaScript on your device.

  7. Clicking on the button to turn JavaScript on will allow websites to display all their features and interactive content by enabling them to run JavaScript.
