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enable javascript in mobile

Code snippet for how to how to enable javascript in mobile with sample and detail explanation

To best interact with various features of websites, you may need to enable JavaScript on your mobile device. This article provides detailed instructions on how to activate this essential web utility.

Enabling JavaScript in Mobile

Before we delve right into the instructions, it’s worth mentioning that the exact steps may slightly vary based on the specific browser that you’re using on your mobile device. In most cases, however, the changes will need to be done in the settings area of your web browser.

Here are the common steps for enabling JavaScript on your mobile device:

  1. Open the web browser on your mobile device.

  2. Tap on the menu button (usually represented by three dots or lines) located in the top right corner.

  3. In the resulting drop-down menu, tap on ‘Settings’.

  4. Scroll down to the ‘Advanced’ section and tap on it to expand further options.

  5. Look for ‘Site settings’ or ‘Content Settings’, and tap on it.

  6. Under ‘Site settings’, look for ‘JavaScript’ and select it.

  7. Toggle the switch or check the box to enable JavaScript.
