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enable cookies and javascript

Code snippet for how to how to enable cookies and javascript with sample and detail explanation

Cookies and JavaScript are essential components for many websites to function properly. This simple guide is aimed at outlining the steps to enable both cookies and JavaScript in various browsers.

Enabling Cookies and JavaScript in Google Chrome

Here are the steps to enable cookies and JavaScript in Google Chrome:

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Click on the menu icon at the top-right corner, then choose “Settings.”
  3. Scroll down and click on “Advanced.”
  4. Under Privacy and Security, click “Site Settings.”
  5. To enable cookies, go into “Cookies and site data”, and switch the toggle to allow sites to save and read cookie data.
  6. To enable JavaScript, navigate back to Site Settings and click on “JavaScript.” Switch the toggle to Allowed.

Code Explanation for Enabling Cookies and JavaScript in Google Chrome

Cookies and JavaScript are enabled through the browser settings. The advanced settings option leads to the privacy and security settings where site-specific settings like cookies and JavaScript can be enabled or disabled. Enabling cookies allows a site to save and read cookie data while enabling JavaScript allows for dynamic web content.

Enabling Cookies and JavaScript in Mozilla Firefox

Here’s how to enable cookies and JavaScript in Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Launch Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Click on the menu button and choose “Options.”
  3. Select “Privacy & Security” in the left-hand panel.
  4. Under “Cookies and Site Data,” click on “Manage Permissions.”
  5. In the pop-up window, select “Allow” to enable cookies.
  6. Scroll down to “JavaScript” and tick the box that says “Enable JavaScript.”

Code Explanation for Enabling Cookies and JavaScript in Mozilla Firefox

In Mozilla Firefox, the options panel holds the settings for privacy and security, which include settings for cookies and site data. After clicking on “Manage Permissions” under the cookies and site data settings, a pop-up window allows the user to enable cookies. For enabling JavaScript, a box labeled “Enable JavaScript” must be checked.

By following these steps, one can easily enable cookies and JavaScript in their preferred browser and enhance their web surfing experience.
