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disable javascript on tor

Code snippet for how to how to disable javascript on tor with sample and detail explanation

Tor is a robust system known for providing users with anonymity, but sometimes you may need to disable JavaScript for additional security or browsing needs. This guide introduces the steps on how to effectively disable JavaScript on your Tor browser.

Disabling JavaScript in Tor

To disable JavaScript in Tor, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open your Tor browser.
  2. Click on the Security Settings... button, located next to the address bar.
  3. You will see a Security Level setting.
  4. Set the security level to Safest. Applications coded in JavaScript are automatically disabled at the safest level.

Code Explanation

The Tor browser doesn’t have a specific command code for disabling JavaScript. Instead, it uses an interface with distinct security levels - Standard, Safer, and Safest. Each level has implications for JavaScript.

  1. Opening the Tor browser: Launch your Tor browser as you would any other application. It’s usually from a desktop shortcut or through the applications menu.

  2. Security Settings: The Security Settings... option is typically located next to the address bar. This button opens up settings related to the security level of your Tor browser.

  3. Security Level setting: Within the security settings, you will find a Security Level section. This level decides which scripts are allowed to run in your browser.

  4. Setting to Safest: The recommendation, especially if you’re aiming for maximum security or privacy, is setting the level to Safest. Selecting Safest prevents all scripts, especially those coded in JavaScript, from running on sites.

To note, disabling JavaScript may break/limit functionality on some websites as they rely on these scripts to run effectively. However, if your main concern is security and privacy, this implementation ensures maximum protection in your Tor browser.
