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debugging in javascript

Code snippet for how to how to debugging in javascript with sample and detail explanation

JavaScript provides a wide range of tools for developers to debug their code, some of which come bundled with the language while others are add-ons to the web browsers they operate on. Learning how to debug your JavaScript code will not only save you time and stress, but also equip you with valuable experience for troubleshooting problematic code.

Using ‘console.log()’

The console.log() function is a quick and straightforward method of debugging JavaScript code. It writes a message to the web console, helping you track down and resolve issues within your code.

let a = 5;
let b = 10;
let c = a + b;

console.log('The value of c is ' + c);

Code Explanation for Using ‘console.log()’

In the above code snippet, we have two variables a and b, and we’re adding their values together to form c. The console.log() function will then output the value of c into the console.

This simple method is not always enough to debug complex programs. However, it sets the foundation for understanding how the debugging process works.

Using Web Browser Developer Tools

Most modern web browsers come packed with Developer Tools that provide comprehensive debugging solutions for JavaScript code.

let d = 7;
let e = 14;
let f = e / d;

console.trace('The result of f is ' + f);

Code Explanation for Using Web Browser Developer Tools

In the code snippet above, we use the console’s trace() method instead of log(). This method displays a trace of the JavaScript function calls that led up to that particular method invocation.

The trace method is a powerful debugging tool, especially for larger programs where following the call stack gets complicated.

Using the ‘debugger;’

The debugger; statement allows you to set breakpoints in your JavaScript code. When the debugger keyword is encountered, the execution of JavaScript will stop and call any available debugging functionality.

let g = 21;
let h = 42;
let i = h / g;

Code Explanation for Using the ‘debugger;’

In the above snippet, we’ve placed the debugger; statement right before the calculation of i. The execution of JavaScript will stop at that point, enabling you to utilize debugging tools to step through the code and inspect variable values, thus identifying any potential issues.

Understanding and effectively using these debugging features can greatly enhance your ability to identify, understand, and fix errors in your JavaScript code. When debugged systematically, seemingly complex JavaScript issues can be resolved efficiently.
